Headshot of Duane Dale

Title & Program: Outpatient therapist, Hibbing office, and Clinical Supervisor

Credentials: MSW, LICSW

Specialty Training: Therapist, Clinical supervision, EMDR, Hypnosis

Clinical Interests: Anxiety management, Sex and sexuality, Trauma management, meditation and relaxation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy

Education: Master of Social Work, Bachelor of science child psychology, Bachelor of science Law enforcement

Hobbies: Outdoor recreation, motorcycle and automotive repair, cooking, gardening

When did you join RMHC? 2011 as an ARMHS practitioner. Then moved to Mobile Crisis staff, then Wellstone Crisis Center and finally Outpatient Therapist

Why do you work at RMHC? I enjoy working to help people step into a better life.

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