Pronouns: She, her, hers

Title & Program: Lead Counselor at Range Treatment Center

Credentials: LADC credentialed in 1998 – present. Prior to that, certified as a Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor-Reciprocal.

Specialty Training: adolescent training, worked in the area school systems from 1991-2009

Clinical Interests: adults with substance use disorders

Education: Completed certification program at St. Mary’s Campus of the College of St. Catherines in 1987, ongoing trainings since then.

Hobbies: gardening, concerts, decorating, watching horror movies/reading, hiking and swimming with my dogs, and as anyone who knows me would tell you… shopping,

When did you join RMHC? October 2015

Why do you work at RMHC? The freedom to perform my job to the best of my ability! The benefits, co-workers, and respectful/professional environment are also big factors in my decision to work here. I love that client care is first without forgetting the need to care for the employees as well. I have been in this field for 35 years. I was blessed with knowing that this was my passion and calling since a very young age. I absolutely love the population I work with. I’ve told myself that if that ever goes away it will be time for me to consider other options.

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